Green Homecoming: Your Complete Guide to Bringing Houseplants Indoors

As the leaves turn and the chill of autumn sets in, it’s time to welcome your green friends back inside. While they’ve enjoyed a summer basking under the sun, the transition indoors is crucial for their survival during the cooler months. Whitehouse Nursery presents a comprehensive guide to repotting, cleaning, and ensuring your houseplants remain […]

From Garden to Glamour: Crafting Holiday Floral Arrangements with Whitehouse Nursery

As the holiday season approaches, the desire to infuse our homes with the cheer and warmth of natural greenery grows. Integrating garden greens into holiday floral arrangements is not just a nod to sustainability and personal touch; it’s also a creative expression that ties our love for gardening with the festive spirit. Whitehouse Nursery, with […]

Reviving Your Houseplants: Ensuring Vibrant Growth in Low Light

Guidance from Whitehouse Nursery Plant lovers, rejoice! Whitehouse Nursery has gathered insights into flourishing plant care, even when your home doesn’t boast ample sunlight. A lack of bright rays doesn’t mean a lack of greenery. Below, find our tailored advice and a selection of plants that naturally prefer the shade to the sun. Whitehouse Nursery’s […]

Cultivating Garden Excellence with Deadheading: An Insight from White House Nursery

Gardening is a journey of discovery and enjoyment, an endeavor that suits everyone from the seasoned horticulturist to the budding green thumb. A key gardening practice that significantly affects your plants’ health and growth is deadheading, a technique that includes both pruning and pinching spent blossoms. The approachable and knowledgeable staff at White House Nursery […]

Beat the Heat: Shade Solutions for Your Summer Garden from White House Nursery

When the summer sun blazes overhead, finding shade in your garden becomes a top priority. Luckily, White House Nursery has the perfect shade solutions to help you create a cool and inviting oasis right in your own backyard. From vibrant annuals to exotic tropicals and enduring perennials, we have a wide range of plants that […]

The Joy of July: Essential Gardening Tasks for Mid-Summer in Your Garden

From the experts at White House Nursery As we embrace the height of summer, gardens are alight with vibrant colors, aromatic scents, and the soothing hum of busy pollinators. The care and attention we’ve invested since spring have now transformed our gardens into thriving, lush environments. While July is a time to enjoy the beauty […]

Water-Wise Gardening Tips for June: Conserving Water in Your Maryland Garden

As the summer heat arrives, it becomes crucial to practice water-wise gardening techniques to conserve our valuable water resources. At White House Nursery in Maryland, we prioritize sustainability and offer essential tips to help you maintain a thriving garden while minimizing water usage. By following these simple strategies, you can make a significant impact on […]

June is National Pollinator Month

June is National Pollinator Month: Celebrating the Vital Role of Bees, Butterflies, and Pollinator-Friendly Plants at White House Nursery for Maryland Gardens With the arrival of June, we also celebrate National Pollinator Month—a time to recognize the importance of pollinators and promote their conservation efforts. Bees, butterflies, and other pollinators play a crucial role in […]

Demystifying Garden Fertilizers: NPK, Organic Options, and Application Tips

A thriving garden begins with healthy soil, and using the right fertilizer is essential for nourishing your plants, trees, and shrubs. With so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming to determine which fertilizer is best for your garden. In this blog post, we’ll explore the basics of garden fertilizers, including understanding the […]